August Embroidery Club 2024
The August and September Embroidery Club will be tools for learning applique and Edge to Edge Quilting in the
Embroidery Machine.
You will be making placemats.
4 different colorways to choose from. You also will choose Fall Pumpkins or Green Christmas Trees.
Your kit will have fabric for front of placemats, backing and batting and applique pieces.
You will need a 6 x 10 hoop (240 x 150) or larger AND bring your largest hoop 200 x 360
Applique Scissors
Iron and Iron surface
4 empty bobbins
White bobbin thread
40 wt embroidery threads - Orange/Rust, Several Greens, browns, gold, Red, and colors of choice.
Fusible Web - I like Perfect Applique. You can purchase at time of class if needed.
Blue Wash Out Marker that will show up on different colors of fabric. White choco liner, Frixon Pen
Medium Tear Away Stabilizer
Cut Away Stabilizer for your largest hoop
Large 6 1/2 x 24 1/2 ruler
Small ruler
Before class have medium Tear Away in a 6 x 10 hoop
Please check back before coming to class to see what I might add to list.
I am out of town until Monday and will re look at what I need in class.
You will need to bring your stick loaded with the embroidery designs from July Class. This is the designs you had to use the code for Amelia Scott Designs.
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